Okie Dokie, for today, I guess I am going to blog something really simple. No links, no videos and not even the great wall of text.
Have anyone of you here heard about the "Negativity Bin"?
I see a hand! Yes, You *points at the guy in white* Did I hear you right? You're saying it's a bin which do your mathematics homework when you throw your homework into it? Of course not, this is not some high technologies blog. (Just kidding here, I'm trying hard to be a comedian one day, trying very hard actually ^^)
Have anyone of you here heard about the "Negativity Bin"?
I see a hand! Yes, You *points at the guy in white* Did I hear you right? You're saying it's a bin which do your mathematics homework when you throw your homework into it? Of course not, this is not some high technologies blog. (Just kidding here, I'm trying hard to be a comedian one day, trying very hard actually ^^)

Alrighty, Negativity Bin is a.... bin, any trash bin that you can find in your house. For example this bin over here.
All you have to do to this bin is to label it as "Negativity Bin". You can use a print a paper and glue on it, draw on the bin, decorate it, blah blah blah, well... you get the idea.
After that, just leave it somewhere around your house or your room, you're going to need it very often if you're an extremely negative person.
Now, whenever you have any negative feelings in you, for example - disappointment, sadness, anger, discouragement, hatred and the list goes on...
This is what I want you to do - write or draw your negative feelings/thoughts on a piece of paper.
For example :
"I'm so disappointed with this company! The boss promised me that he would promote me if I did a good job for that project and it was excellent accordingly to the client! Did I get my promotion?! NO!! He promoted THAT HYPOCRITE (name)!! I am not going to support that fellow! No way! I'm leaving this company and I'm sending my resignation letter in now as a protest!"
After writing out your frustration, crush the paper as hard as you can! You can even give it a few stamps on the floor if you want to. Holding the now-crushed-and-possibly-stamped paper, give it a good chuck to the "Negativity Bin"!
There! Negativity thrown into the bin and non-existent now and time to get back to your usual lifestyle. (Of course you don't resign if you're the fella I just described) I am sure you would feel better after doing this method. With Negativity gone, it's time to get back to your positive mindset and work harder for your goals :)
Hope this would help you guys getting rid of your negativity :)
haha.. cool idea =)
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