Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes

Ben Underwood was born in 26 Jan 1992. He was found to have a peculiar glow in his right eye in Feb 1992 and was soon diagnosed with Bilateral Retnoblastoma (cancer in both eyes).

Both his eyes was removed in a span of less than a year to prevent the spread of the cancer.

'People think it is the end of the world when they lose their sight when they can still lead a productive healthy life' says Ben's doctor.

Ben went on in his life to prove his doctor right by living a life and doing everything he always did as if he never lost sight. You might ask how. Well, Ben had taught himself to use
echo location to navigate around the world.

Ben left this world on the 19th Jan 2009 due to cancer, but not before he had inspired countless people and created another miracle in this world. Though he's done, his story would continue to inspire many others for the many years to come...

What is echo location?
Human echolocation is the ability of humans to sense objects in their environment by hearing echoes from those objects.This ability is used by some blind people to navigate within their environment. They actively create sounds, such as by tapping their canes or by making clicking noises with their mouths.

Another Thing About Ben
One thing that Ben's mother truly get back from Ben being blind is that he truly sees people from within. When he hears someone say that someone else is ugly, or anything negative towards someone else. He says, "That's whats wrong with sighted people, you all look at one another and judge what you look like," Ben's mother see that statement being so true. She said 'The most powerful part of it is that he can't judge from looks, only from spirit. This world would be a much better place if we all couldn't see.'

To find out more about Ben, you can visit his website dedicated to him or find out more about Human Echolocation that Ben uses to get around.


  1. wow ..ben is a tough kids :) we should from him

  2. Yeah, I agree with you Yie Tze.

    His mum is also very strong and wise to give him such words and encouragements.

  3. I think it is awesome that he still moves forward in life and finds a way to do what other kids do. I think he is an inspiration to all young or old people!
